AWS System Security Analysis, Architecture Design, Engineering, and Advisory Services

On-premise workloads are quickly migrating into hybrid cloud architectures. The rapid change and expedient pace inherent to cloud services is exciting, but can be difficult to accept for major system stakeholders such as risk-averse security professionals and executives. These individuals normally faced with best practices and security controls focused on slower-paced, static environments often perceive dynamic cloud environments as a significant technical and cultural challenge. Additionally, less prudent stakeholders often move too fast, not only ignoring difficult security problems, but simple best practices.

System Security Analysis

AWS Security Analysis High Resolution Graphic of Incorrectly Configured Security Groups Allowing Unrestricted Inbound Access

As the project lead or application owner, you have performed a hasty "lift and shift" to AWS with little to or documentation of requirements and understanding of what has been done, but applications are still running and available. All's well, right? The adjacent image shows a very real problem on a true production system that performed a hasty migration without the proper planning, design, and support. This issue is blatant and one of many encountered, but it illustrates the imperative nature of using certified and experienced professionals. Issues, such as the one pictured, lead to a slew of problems which multiply and significantly reduce the system's security posture.

Let Boyle Technical Consulting Services perform a Security Analysis on your system based on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework Security Pillar with a focus on your organization's specific security controls (e.g., DoD, Federal, IC, and widely-used Commercial standards).

Certified Cloud Security Professionals

Security Architecture Design and Engineering

Amazon Web Services Architecture Network Topology Diagram

When considering a migration or extension into AWS, security should be a fundamental pillar considered early in the requirements gathering and planning phase to avoid an expensive, retrofitted, non-scalable architecture. Regardless of whether the enterprise is forward leaning and considering a completely serverless design or looking to "lift and shift" all or portions of its on-premise workloads, infrastructure, and network; security can dynamically scale, but it does require intricate knowledge of sound security architecture designs and common engineering errors to avoid significant shortfalls which limit architectures in their initial pilot deployments.

Boyle Technical Consulting Services assists enterprise security teams in planning, designing, and implementing AWS pilot and production architectures leveraging knowledge and expertise from past performances architecting, engineering, and advising for Department of Defense (DoD), Federal, Intelligence Community (IC), and commercial clients.

Knowledge Repository

Security Advisory

Cloud with lock within it. Hexidecimal numbers behind the cloud and lock.

Such challenges require high-level briefing to illustrate the landscape and when appropriate, drill down into the technical details — especially as it applies to technically challenging security architectures and engineering. Individuals with the proper education, skillsets, and expertise can assist in articulating, persuading, and shaping direction — paving a path for successful execution.

Boyle Technical Consulting Services provides technically strong, certified, cloud security professionals with the insight, education, certifications, and expertise to understand, shape, persuade, and execute.

Certified Cloud Security Professionals